Thursday, 16 October 2008

28 / 09 (about a month ago)

It sure is winter already, isn't it? Here there was no autumn at all. One day it was hot, and the next it rained and dropped from 30 to 16 degrees... crazy planet... my plants didn't like the rapid change very much and blackened some of their leaves in protest, but i enjoyed it pretty much. For once I was finally able to open my eyes in the morning just when I wanted to and not by the force of bright god Ra. Clouds!! Protective clouds! So I put on the appropriate music ( Forever Autumn, Lake of Tears) and enjoyed! Soon after the third song, the clouds were gone and the sun laughed at me again, so disgusted i turned the music off with a slap and got dressed to go and study.... again...

By the way, I gave my exam again for the sixth time, and now i'm waiting for the results. Old familiar routine. Running up and down libraries trying to find yet more books on the subject, studying until my sweat turns to blood ( !!! ok not that much !!! I am a fundamentally lazy person, i didn't choose to be, but I very conveniently am one! ), get panic attacks the day before the exam (this time i have experienced some spasms as well, very interesting stuff ) presenting myself to the exams all yellow of sickness and doing...just ok. This time I have done one thing different though. Instead of studying, I have spent the last two days before judgement day, more or less camping outside the professors' offices, hoping I may be lucky enough to grab one or two of these exotic diva birds, who all the more scarcely frequent the place where they're ought to be. THE UNIVERSITY!! What are they doing, for christ's sake, sneaking, almost crawling in and out of their little holes, like cockroaches under their big wooden desks, in fear that we may want to see or even - shhh.....- talk to them. ..... tsk tsk tsk... that would be unbearable! Staining their nicely ironed costumes with the likes of us? Inappropriate for their status!

I did prove lucky finally, and had my 15 minutes. I even caught two of them! And did make it into their offices! Now isn't that fame! Honestly now, to give you an impression of how it is, just think about trainspotting. You have to check the times and classes of the exams and lessons and calculate the space-time coordinates that it's more likely to see the costumed armada passing. For mere seconds. Then it disappears again into some dark corner preferably formed in a weird, even eerie geometrical shape. And transfered into another dimension. And by the great C'thulhu I have exchanged words with two of these creatures!

The outcome of these outworldly meetings remains yet to be seen. I sure don't hope to have moved their hearts,but I think I've left a fairly nice impression.

Until the results are out and my life retakes its perpetual loop (deppression, boredom, studying, panic,depression....) I leave you with kisses and liebe to go to munich, germany for a week. 2-7 october. And yes, it's the Oktoberfest! When I come back, I hope I'll have bubbles of beer floating over my head, preventing the sky from falling on me. My tiny red umbrella has grown weary...

1 comment:

Αλέξανδρος Σαλαμές said...

Τελικά ξανάγραψες και καλά ξηγήθηκες!:)